ヘンプクリートとは?/What is Hempcrete ?

  • Material/素材
    • ヘンプクリートは、ヘンプハード、石灰、水、ミネラル、4種類の天然物質を混ぜ合わせてできる、生分解性の新しい建築素材です。
      HempCrete is a new biodegradable building material made by mixing four natural substances: hemp hurd, lime, water, and minerals.
  • USES/ 活用方法
    • 自然から生まれ、自然から還る、環境に配慮した建築材として、従来の石油を使った断熱材や防音材、防湿材の代替製品を作ることができます。
      As an environmentally friendly building material that comes from and returns to nature, HempCrete can be used to create alternative products to conventional petroleum-based insulation, soundproofing, and moisture-proofing materials.
  • Reality/現状
    • フランスやイギリス、ベルギー、オランダなどのヨーロッパ諸国で多く使われており、近年ではカナダやオーストラリア、アメリカでの使用も広まっています。
      Hempcrete is widely used in European countries such as France, England, Belgium, and the Netherlands, and in recent years, its use has spread to Canada, Australia, and the United States.



Hempcrete can be utilized mainly as a wall, insulation, humidity control, and finishing material.It can also be used as a roofing and flooring material, and there are two methods: plate construction and spraying.

In the case of walls, hempcrete is filled into a formwork made of wood, which begins to dry and harden quickly, and the formwork can be lifted immediately and completed in one week, depending on the drying environment.

For floors and roofs, hempcrete can be placed directly on graveled floors or placed on top of a netting between roof rafters or floor joists as a thermal insulator and moisture barrier.

As a coating material, it can also be applied to new or existing walls as a product that improves the indoor environment, adding fresh brightness to a room.

If you would like to know more about the features and detailed description of Hempcrete, please contact us for a PDF document.